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    "Taldykorgan College of Services and Technologies"

    From November 21 to 28, 2022, a week of general education disciplines begins at the Taldykorgan College of Service and Technology. It is attended by students of 1-2 courses and college teachers.

    A subject week is one of the forms of enhancing the educational activities of students.

    Holding an open week of the cyclic commission of general education disciplines is an opportunity for teachers to share their experience with colleagues, to systematize the accumulated material in general education disciplines, and an opportunity to find new ways of cooperation.

    Objectives of the subject week:

    * to involve students in independent creative activity, to increase their interest in the studied academic disciplines;

    * identify students who are seeking in-depth study of a particular academic discipline or educational field;

    * to improve the professional skills of teachers through the preparation, organization and conduct of extracurricular activities and open lessons.

    The weeks of the general education cycle are held annually according to the work plan of the methodological commission.

    On 02/21/2022, an open lesson on the history of Kazakhstan was held on the topic "Socio-political views of the Kazakh enlighteners of the XIX century" by the teacher of the 1st category Andabekova A.Zh. with the participation of the C21PM group. In his lesson, the teacher demonstrated a skillful command of partially-searching, explanatory - motivating, instructive - practical teaching methods. By various methods, the teacher stimulated the students' search activity. The students of the group were ready for problematic situations, willingly entered into a dialogue with the teacher. To activate the mental activity of students in the lesson, the following modes of operation were used: "teacher - group", "teacher - student", "student - group" and the following forms were planned: independent, group, individual and pair. Diagrams, tables, texts were prepared and multimedia accompaniment was used for a productive and high-quality lesson.Various types of tasks provided employment for all students, taking into account their abilities.

    02/21/2022 - Teacher G.K. Dalabayeva held an open lesson in physics in the group from 11 PM on the topic "Ohm's law for a section of the chain. Mixed connection of conductors." During the lesson, the teacher worked on the formation and improvement of the language of physics (verbal, symbolic, graphic); on the quality of personality necessary for life in the modern world (clarity, precision of thinking, intuition); attitude to physics as part of universal culture. To achieve the objectives of the lesson, the teacher used the following methods: generically reproductive, inductively reproductive. The set goals and objectives were reflected at each stage of the lesson. The interrelation of all stages of the lesson is traced (the presence of conclusions after each stage), which contributed to ensuring the integrity and completeness of each stage and the entire lesson as a whole. As a result of the lesson, it was possible to consolidate the knowledge and skills of students on this topic. Homework was given, and students were offered instructions on how to complete it.

    02/22/2022 - Zhakanova A.M. mathematics teacher held an open lesson on the topic "Көрсеткіштік функция, оның қасиеттері және графигі". The training session is built in accordance with the methodological requirements. The teacher uses the technology of problem-based learning in the classroom. When formulating a problem situation, the teacher uses methods of activating educational activities that allow students to formulate the tasks of the training session themselves. The lesson was conducted in the form of studying new material. The teacher uses various forms and methods of teaching: problem-search, verbal-visual, uses ICT; uses techniques of independent work. When consolidating the studied material, mutual verification and self-verification of the knowledge obtained by the students themselves are used. The teacher uses a differentiated approach in teaching, taking into account the level of training of students (some students perform the task together with the teacher, some independently according to options that are compiled according to several levels of complexity).

    Throughout the training session, a personality-oriented approach to learning is carried out, which is based on taking into account the characteristics of students, their level of training. Correcting the wrong actions of students in time, suggesting the right ways to complete tasks, the teacher creates situations of success, cooperation, maintaining positive emotions throughout the training session.

    02/23/2022 - teacher of Russian language and literature L.S. Bekova held an open lesson on Anna Akhmatova. The poem "Requiem" In the lesson shows that the educational process of mastering the topic is designed from the goal to the result, and this is an important positive moment.

    The teacher confidently and competently uses effective methods of working with information; step-by-step independent educational, intellectual, cognitive and reflexive activities of students were successfully organized at the lesson; conditions were provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

    The teacher is able to select educational material from the point of view of the presence in it of elements of an educative, value-semantic nature; elements of a developing nature; variability.

    23.02.2022 - Sagadieva A.T. teacher of the Kazakh language held an open lesson on the topic " С.Сейфуллин «Көкшетау поэмасы», І.Жансүгүров  «Жетісу суреттері ". The structure of the lesson was clear, consistent with the type and purpose of the lesson. At each stage, small conclusions were drawn. The transition from one stage to another was smooth. The students worked together with the teacher and independently. The students showed that they know how to work with a textbook, they know how to work at the blackboard. They were active throughout the lesson. They showed the ability to work productively, the ability to observe, draw conclusions from what they saw, the ability to analyze and summarize their knowledge. The children also showed the presence of self-control skills. The valeological approach is observed by the teacher. The psychological climate in the lesson is positive.

    25.02.02022 - chemistry teacher Karimbayeva A.Zh. held an open lesson on the topic " Аминқышқылдарының құрамы мен қасиеттері ". According to its content and the form of presentation of the material meets modern requirements. The organization of the beginning of the lesson contributed to the positive attitude of the students, the purpose of the lesson was set. Preparation for the main stage interested the students. The main stage itself was dynamic, lively; the students' answers were informative; the teacher's conclusions were capacious and smoothly moving from one conclusion to the next.

    It was logical to build both repetition and consolidation of what was passed in the lesson: a series of test tasks, as a result of which answers to questions were found.

    It is important that during all the work the teacher gave an assessment to each student at each stage of the lesson. The time allotted for each stage is adjusted, correct.

    Group, frontal and individual forms of work were used, as well as such methods of work as posing problematic questions and finding answers to them.

    The forms and methods of work corresponded to the chosen methods corresponding to the studied material and methods of organizing the activities of students. The objectives and goals of the lesson have been achieved.

    The content of the educational material was distinguished by its scientific and practical orientation. The lesson meets the basic requirements. The realization of the main didactic goal has been achieved.

    25.02.2022 - teachers of English Uskembayeva A.T., Nurtazayeva A.A. conducted a creative report on the work of the English language circle on the topic "Shakespeare and his century". The purpose of this event was to broaden the horizons and increase the interest of students in a foreign language and country studies. The students' works, as well as the presentation, open up opportunities for the teacher and students in extracurricular work in English, as they go beyond the scope of the program material, helping to consolidate their knowledge on the topic "V. Shakespeare" in more depth. This allows you to penetrate more deeply into the work of the great English playwright, author of vivid comedies, tragedies, lyrical and philosophical sonnets. During the preparation of the event, only those works that correspond to the age potential of students and arouse their great interest were selected.
